
Assassin's Creed (film)

Assassin's Creed is a 2016 historical science fiction action film based on the video game franchise published by Ubisoft. The film is directed by Justin ...

Assassin's Creed

Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard star in this action-adventure film based on the critically acclaimed video game franchise.

【電影影評】《刺客教條:Assassin's Creed》影評:專為粉絲設計的 ...

《刺客教條:Assassin's Creed》改編自同名動作遊戲,電影沿襲了相同的世界觀與特色,是一部專門為遊戲粉絲而拍的作品!如果你是遊戲的長期愛護者, ...

Assassin's Creed Movie 的個人檔案

評分 4.1 (59) Assassin's Creed Movie 。 1179086 個讚· 21 人正在談論這個。 Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard star in this action-adventure film based on the ...

Assassin's Creed (2016)

評分 5.6/10 (213,493) Callum Lynch explores the memories of his ancestor Aguilar de Nerha and gains the skills of a Master Assassin, before taking on the secret Templar society. Assassin's Creed · Trailer 2:26 · User reviews

Assassin's Creed

評分 19% (226) Cal Lynch travels back in time to 15th-century Spain through a revolutionary technology that unlocks the genetic memories contained in his DNA. Assassin's Creed Pictures · 226 Reviews · Trailers & Videos

Assassin's Creed | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

... ASSASSIN'S CREED opens in theaters worldwide on December 21st, 2016. Cast: Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan ...

【刺客教條】Assassin's Creed 精彩預告~ 20161228 全球鉅獻

博客來預售票:https://goo.gl/0UMVR4 CatchPlay官網:http://theatrical.catchplay.com/Movies/assassinscreed CatchPlay粉絲 ...


《刺客教條》(英語:Assassin's Creed,中國大陸譯《刺客信條》)是一部2016年美國動作冒險片,由賈斯汀·克佐執導,比爾·克爾吉、亞當·庫珀與麥可·萊斯利編劇。


Assassin'sCreedisa2016historicalsciencefictionactionfilmbasedonthevideogamefranchisepublishedbyUbisoft.ThefilmisdirectedbyJustin ...,MichaelFassbenderandMarionCotillardstarinthisaction-adventurefilmbasedonthecriticallyacclaimedvideogamefranchise.,《刺客教條:Assassin'sCreed》改編自同名動作遊戲,電影沿襲了相同的世界觀與特色,是一部專門為遊戲粉絲而拍的作品!如果你是遊戲的長期愛護者, ...,評分4.1...